A Natural Solution For The Asthma Sufferer

sthma is a huge problem in the United States, and it is growing at an alarming rate. If you think about it, you will probably be able to pick out at least a few people that you know who suffer from the affects of the condition. And for every person that you know who has asthma, there are probably at least one or two that you don't know about. In fact, since 1980, the death rate for asthma has increased over 60%. That is a huge number, but it is an important number.

Doctors can treat some of the symptoms of asthma, but as it turns out there might be more contributing to the condition than pollen or dust! You might be surprised to learn that asthma, in some cases, can be directly connected to a misalignment of the vertebral column.

The thought that asthma, a condition that makes it difficult for you to breath when you come into contact with any number of different triggers, could be related to anything other than your lungs and larynx might seem hard to believe... but it actually makes a lot more sense than you would think.

In fact, chiropractors who have studied the effects of a vertebral misalignment on the respiratory system have found that asthma is almost always related to the position of the first and second thoracic vertebra. Other chiropractic conditions attributing to asthma include misalignment of the spine, subluxation, as well as a faulty alignment involving the seventh cervical vertebra. In addition, for over a hundred years now, sufferers of not only asthma, but also other respiratory conditions have consistently praised chiropractic care as being a benefit to their overall condition. (Source: Leboeuf-Yde C, Pedersen EN, Bryner P et al. Self-reported nonmusculoskeletal response to chiropractic intervention: a multination study. JMPT. 2005;28:294-302.)

But in a way, this shouldn't be so hard for us to believe. After all, the brain controls the entire body, including the respiratory system. It is connected through nerves that run through the vertebra to carry signals to and from the body. This is what causes us to continue to function. Our body interprets stimulation and sends the signal to the brain, which in turn processes the signal and reacts. Sometimes we react, as we would if our hand were placed on a hot burner. And sometimes, our body reacts in the way that it thinks is appropriate based on the information it is getting... as in the case of an asthma attack. The problem lies in the signals themselves... if the nerves going to and from the respiratory system (or a number of other systems) are being 'pinched' or otherwise affected by a subluxation of a vertebra, then it is not surprising that the respiratory system would not necessarily function properly as a result. In fact, one analysis of 650 children proved that chiropractic care is a relevant, favorable response to those suffering from asthma. (Source: Ressel O, Rudy R. Vertebral subluxation correlated with somatic, visceral and immune complaints: an analysis of 650 children under chiropractic care. JVSR. 2004;1-23.)

Problems like asthma have been very well connected to a condition called vertebral subluxation, which is basically a condition that causes dysfunction of the spine, resulting in nerve interference. Unbelievably, even the minuscule weight of a dime, focused directly on a spinal nerve, can actually cause transmission to be reduced by over 50%!

While chiropractic care does not necessarily 'cure' asthma, correcting these subluxations, if they exist in a particular patient, have been proven to improve the overall body nervous system... which maximizes the body's natural healing ability and has been shown to significantly improve a number of conditions, including asthma.

Rick Galla is a Chiropractor, Entrepreneur, Speaker and Author in San Diego, Ca. He is very excited and grateful that he gets to play a major, positive role in transforming many

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